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【Imaging Diagnostics】Interested in Getting a CT/MRI? Discover the Latest Price Comparison for Hospitals and Medical Centres

When patients present specific symptoms, doctors may recommend CT (Computed Tomography) or MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) imaging diagnostics to further examine and visualize the internal conditions of organs. The goal is to identify potential diseases and facilitate timely treatment. What are the differences between CT and MRI? Which hospital or outpatient medical centre offers the best value for money?

Private Hospitals and Day Medical Centres

Comparison of MRI Examination Prices (Outpatient)

Medical Institution



Upper Abdomen

Single Joint

Whole Body

The Specialists

$5,400/ $7,5001

$7,000/ $9,9001

$6,200/ $8,0001
(Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen, Pancreas, Kidney)

$5,500/ $7,5001

(Brain, Neck, Chest, Upper Abdomen, Pelvis)

Hong Kong Advanced Imaging (HKAI)

MK, YL ,TW $5,000/ 



TST , HK Island




MK, YL ,TW $5,600/



TST , HK Island





MK, YL ,TW $5,600/



TST , HK Island





MK, YL ,TW$5,000/



TST , HK Island









TST , HK Island




(Brain, Neck, Chest, Abdomen, Pelvis)

Precious Blood Hospital


Not mentioned on the website



(Excluding limbs)

Hong Kong Adventist Hospital – Tsuen Wan

$5,700/ $8,8001

$6,300/ $9,6001

$6,300/ $9,5001

Not mentioned on the website


Union Hospital


Not mentioned on the website

Not mentioned on the website

(Knee joints only)

Not mentioned on the website

CUHK Medical Centre

$5,800/ $9,1501


$6,150/ $9,5501

$5,800/ $9,1501
(Applicable for shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee, or ankle)

Not mentioned on the website

Evangel Hospital

$5,800/ $9,5001


$6,200/ $10,0001

$5,800/ $9,5001

(Excluding limbs)

Baptist Hospital

$6,420/ $10,2001


$7,220/ $11,4501

$6,420/ $10,2001
(Applicable for shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, or ankle)

Not mentioned on the website

Hong Kong Adventist Hospital

$6,500/ $9,6001

Not mentioned on the website

Not mentioned on the website


Not mentioned on the website

St. Paul's Hospital

$6,760/ $10,0001

Not mentioned on the website


(Knee joints only)

Not mentioned on the website


1.X-ray with contrast.

2.Please refer to the information provided by the respective medical institution for accuracy.


Private Hospitals and Day Medical Centres

Comparison of CT Examination Prices (Outpatient)


Medical Institution



Upper Abdomen

Coronary Artery

The Specialists

$1,400/ $2,6001

$2,500/ $4,0001

$2,800/ $4,3001
(Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen, Pancreas, Kidney)

$5,700 - $12,000

Hong Kong Advanced Imaging (HKAI)


$1,300/ $2,4001



TST , HK Island






$1,900/ $3,5001


TST , HK Island









TST , HK Island







TST , HK Island




Precious Blood Hospital






Hong Kong Adventist Hospital – Tsuen Wan

$2,200/ $3,8001

$3,500/ $4,5001

$3,200/ $4,1001



Union Hospital

$2,200/ $4,0001

$3,800/ $6,2001

$3,000/ $5,8001


Not mentioned on the website

CUHK Medical Centre

$2,100/ $3,8801

$3,460/ $6,2801

$2,830/ $5,7801

$5,610 - $7,340


Evangel Hospital

$2,100/ $3,6001

$3,000/ $5,5001

$4,950/ $9,5551


Baptist Hospital

$2,380/ $4,4501

$3,840/ $6,8401

$3,300/ $6,3701


Hong Kong Adventist Hospital

$2,500/ $4,5001



Not mentioned on the website

St. Paul's Hospital





Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong

$2,700/ $4,7701

$3,780/ $6,8401

$3,420/ $6,4801


Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital

$3,340/ $6,0101

$4,740/ $8,5301

$4,180/ $7,5201



1.X-ray with contrast.

2.Please refer to the information provided by the respective medical institution for accuracy. 

Choosing between Government/Public Hospitals or Private Hospitals/Day Medical Centres?

Government/public hospitals offer cheaper fees, but they have the longest waiting times, often requiring a wait of at least one month or more. They may not be suitable for patients with urgent medical conditions.

Private hospitals, on the other hand, are more expensive, but they offer shorter waiting times and assured professionalism. They are suitable for patients who have the financial means to afford their services.

Day medical centres offer more affordable fees compared to private hospitals, while maintaining an equally high level of professionalism. Additionally, they have shorter waiting times, allowing patients to schedule their imaging examinations within a short period.

Unless there is a specific preference, day medical centres are often the optimal choice.

<Online Appointment>

Source: HKAI

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