Nearly Half of Head and Neck Cancer Patients Develop the Disease Before 60 Years Old
According to statistics, head and neck cancer cases in Hong Kong have skyrocketed, growing 48.5% from 511 in 2009 to 759 in 2020. And the age of onset is alarmingly younger than ever before, with the average age now at just 45 years old, compared to 60 years old in the past. This young-shift trend is a wake-up call that cannot be ignored.
What is head and neck cancer?
The head and neck area contains many organs such as the upper respiratory tract, upper gastrointestinal tract, mouth, pharynx, nasal cavity and so on. Head and neck cancer occurs when cancer cells grow uncontrollably and develop into tumours. Depending on the site of origin, head and neck cancer can be classified as oral cavity cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, oropharyngeal cancer, hypopharyngeal cancer, laryngeal cancer, etc. Malignant tumours that occur in the head and neck are generally classified as head and neck cancer, with oral cavity and laryngeal cancer being the most common.
The following are some of the common symptoms of head and neck cancer. In general, the symptoms are not obvious in the early stages, and the tumour will only show up when it reaches a certain size and stage. Therefore, the following symptoms should be investigated as soon as possible:
-Bleeding from the nose/mouth, or coughing up blood
-Pain when chewing or swallowing
-Lump in the mouth or neck, which may or may not be painful
-Persistent sinusitis
-Persistent nasal congestion
-White or red patches around the mouth (i.e. tongue, oral mucosa, gums)
-Loss of sensation, such as smell, double vision or difficulty hearing
-Significant weight loss for no apparent reason
The main cause is alcohol consumption or smoking, and head and neck cancer cases are more likely to occur in Taiwan because betel nut, a favourite food, has been identified as a carcinogen by the World Health Organisation. In addition, specific human papillomavirus infections, radiation exposure, specific job exposure to harmful substances, and genetics are also common causes of head and neck cancer.
If head and neck cancer is detected early and does not recur in two to three years, 90% of the cases are stable. However, if head and neck cancer is detected at an intermediate or late stage, the chance of spread and progression is high and multiple treatments are required to hopefully improve the cure rate. If you notice signs of the condition, you can have a throat endoscopy to check for tumours in the nasopharynx and pharynx, as well as CT, MRI and PET scans to determine the extent of the tumour and whether it has metastasised.